Friday, December 24, 2004

Ok, so we talk about Ethic Funds... or in the french term �Fonds Ethiques�. This intersting idea, at the begining, try to combine Ethics and law of the strongest. So how can we accept the objectivity of someone who try to judge the ethics of his economical activity and say my work is respectful to human rights, not in the arms commerce, not trying to abuse from child work... So maybe there is a deontology problem. That was the case of Vigeo, a so called indepedent ethic rating company. So a case of interest conflict is happening with the participation of some companies in its capital. We can find some of these companies with a good rating from their own firm... interesting no?
The last news about this matter is the merger between Vigeo and Ethibel (the belguim company)... Sad maybe!
Check out this article
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